
Elementary School

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I stay informed on what's happening at Sunrise?

You can stay updated by checking this website often. You’ll find it is an easy way to stay informed and energized about Sunrise. You can also look for our monthly newsletter that we send home with your child at the beginning of each month.

Can my child ride the bus to and from school?

Yes, Sunrise students do have the privilege of bus transportation. Please remember that it is a privilege, and it is each student’s responsibility to be sure that his/her behavior is appropriate. Sunrise students abide by the bus rules in order to ensure everyone’s safety. Parents, if the bus skips your child’s bus stop please notify Transportation at 341-9076, and then call the school office at 502-8800. Additional concerns regarding bus transportation issues should be directed to Transportation as well.

What meals does the cafeteria serve, and what is the cost?

Elementary Pricing Schools: Alice Byrne, Palmcroft, Rolle, Otondo, Desert Mesa, and Sunrise

We know that breakfast is the most important part of the day. That is why at Yuma School District One, we offer breakfast at no cost. We serve breakfast from 8:10 a.m. to 8:40 a.m. Please join us. If a parent or child would like to join a student and purchase breakfast, the cost is $2.00. Lunch is available to all students for $1.50 every day. If a parent or guest would like to join their student for lunch, the cost is $3.00.

You may fill out a free and reduced lunch application at any time during the school year if you think your child may qualify. If you would like to manage your meal account online or make an online payment you may go to the district Child Nutrition page. See the cafeteria manager for more details. We look forward to serving you.

If your student brings a sack lunch from home, they may still purchase a juice or milk for 25 cents to go with their meal. Due to USDA guidelines, milk or juice is 25 cents, regardless if your student qualifies for free and reduced priced meals.

What is the dress code at Sunrise?

We care about what our children wear. Appearance is part of inspiring our kids to be engaged, energized, and have fun at school. Your child should avoid wearing anything that could distract or harm others. Help your child avoid any clothing displaying objectionable or gang-related symbols. Your child’s pants and shorts should fit at the waist, and they must cover all undergarments. Shorts and/or skirts should be the length (or longer) of the child’s fingertips when their arms are at their side. Tank top straps should be one inch wide or more. We ask that your child wear caps outdoors only and not backwards or sideways. Help your child avoid wearing potentially harmful accessories like spiked jewelry or oversize earrings. Students should not bring nail polish, make-up, hair spray or color, or cologne/perfume to school. These items can cause property damage and may trigger allergy attacks.

What time should I drop off/pick up my child?

Your child should not arrive before 8:00 a.m. Our gates open at 8:20 a.m. at which time teachers are on duty and students are allowed on campus. If an early drop-off is necessary, please consult with the Discovery Club to arrange for before-school care. The Discovery Club offers services starting as early as 6:00 a.m. Please pick up your child promptly at dismissal time (Mondays: 2:10 p.m./Tues.-Fri.: 3:40 p.m.).

What will happen if my child misses a lot of school?

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of regular school attendance. Your child should be in school every day that he/she is physically able. Your child will fall behind in class work and academic learning if he/she misses school often. Contact your child’s teacher or the Sunrise office in the morning for an after-school homework packet. Communicate with your child’s teacher if he/she needs to make up several days’ assignments to ensure that your child stays energized and engaged in the learning process.

What should I do if my child must be absent from school?

Parents, please call the school office at (502-8800) if a child is going to be absent from school or late to school. If a child does not arrive at school, we want to be sure he/she is safe with you. When your child has been absent for at least two days from school, you may call the school office in the morning so we can notify the teacher so he/she can have time to gather your child’s work by the end of the day. We will send appropriate books when necessary. You may pick up assignments in the office at the end of the school day.

What should we do if my child arrives late to school?

Please have your child report to the office before going to the classroom if he or she arrives after 8:30 a.m. If your child gets to school after 9:00 a.m., please sign them in at the school office before they join their class.

What happens if my child has an appointment during school hours?

Please send a note to school with your child on the morning of the early dismissal. Include the time and reason for the appointment. Sunrise parents sign out their children in the school office before leaving school early. Your child’s teacher will send your him/her to the office when you arrive at the office, not before. Please call the school office, or send a note with your child if you authorize someone else to pick your child up, or if you have arranged for your child to go home with another student.

Can my child to go home with a friend or to another destination after school?

Please inform the school of any change in your child’s transportation before noon on Mondays and 2:00 p.m. Tuesday–Friday to allow ample time to communicate this request to the classroom teacher. Otherwise your child will need to go home as usual. A student may not ride or walk home with another student or get off at a different bus stop without a note from a parent or a phone call to the office.

Can I visit my child’s school/classroom during school hours?

Absolutely. You may call or stop by the office to set up a convenient time for a visit. We ask that our office or the classroom teacher be given that request at least 24 hours in advance prior to the visit. Involved parents really make a difference, and we love to see you at Sunrise. We ask that you please report to the office when you arrive at the building. We will give you a visitor’s welcome badge and help you with the layout of our school.

What if I want to be an observer or help in my child’s classroom?

To insure a beneficial visit, please call our office to make an appointment to visit. To assist in the classroom, Sunrise volunteers need to complete a volunteer packet and return it to the school office. Please expect a brief waiting period for processing.

When will I have a parent/teacher conference with my child’s teacher?

We schedule parent conferences throughout the year to ensure that parents are aware of their child’s progress. We hope to see every parent. We are most willing to schedule a conference any time during the year. Please feel free to call and arrange a time at your convenience. We find that communication between school and home allows us to support each other, so contact your child’s teacher as soon as you feel a need.

Does the school have a Lost and Found?

Yes, we keep lost items in the school office and cafeteria playground. You can help prevent lost items by placing your child’s first and last name on the labels of his or her possessions (coats, sweaters, backpacks, lunch packs) so that we will be able to return lost items to the rightful owners.

What textbooks and supplies does my child need?

Sunrise furnishes textbooks and basic supplies such as pencils, paper, etc. Teachers may request additional or specific items for their classroom routines and projects. Please let the teacher or the office know if purchasing these other items is a hardship, and we can make arrangements so the child will receive them.

Does Sunrise have a school library?

We are proud of all the programs and resources at Sunrise, especially our school library. All students have a library period each week. We encourage our students to use and enjoy the library, creating a life-long love of books and learning. Students may check out two books at a time. We ask that parents help your children find a safe, secure place to keep library books at home so that they will be returned on time and in good condition.

What are the guidelines for cell phones, electronics, and other valuables?

As per district policy, electronic devices (cell phones, ipods, CD players, etc) should not be brought to school. If a student is found to possess/use an electronic device at school or on school grounds (including before, during, and after school) it will be confiscated, and parents will need to pick it up from the office.

What if my child needs to take medicine at school?

The school nurse may administer medication only if she has a signed parent consent allowing this. You may request this form in the school office. We ask that you list emergency contact numbers for use when we are unable to reach you. Please list at least two persons to contact in the event of student illness or injury, and review or update forms as needed or requested. Students may not have prescription or over-the-counter medicines in their possession. You should give all medicines to the nurse for proper handling and dispensing. You and your child should keep prescription medication in the current pharmacy container, labeled with your child’s name and correct dosage instructions. We ask that you and your child handle over-the-counter medicines in the same way. The nurse will call your child from the classroom or cafeteria for timely administration of prescription and other medications.

The school nurse monitors immunizations, conducts health screenings, maintains medical records, and cares for students who are ill or have emergency medical needs at school. She works with parents and students and advises on preventive health care. She also calls parents to pick up children who are injured or ill. If you have questions, please contact the nurse at 502-8733.

Does Sunrise offer school insurance?

Yes, you may obtain school accident insurance for your child for a small fee. We recommend this coverage for students who are not covered by other insurance plans. You can obtain health insurance for your student through K&K insurance through Dental care is also available through Reach Out: Healthcare America. Please stop by the school office for an Information packet.